interests desires and motivations

Students will use the planning scenario and the Negotiation Strategy Planning Template to guide their research and analysis throughout this course. Each week, students will complete a portion of the Negotiation Strategy Plan using the template provided.

This week, you will continue the training sessions on developing the Negotiation Planning Strategy. Specifically, you will identify and discuss the key elements that would assist you during the negotiation process. In addition, you will discuss the motivations and interests of both parties and their influence on the negotiations.

Click here to download the Negotiation Strategy Planning Template. Use this template to complete this portion of the assignment.

Write a discussion of 800–1,200 words on the following topics:

  • Interests, desires, and motivations (400–600 words)
    • Strategy and tactics
      • Compare and contrast distributive and integrative negotiations.
      • Based on your research, discuss at least 2 integrative negotiation skills or tactics.
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