critical thinking exercise 1 suarez family after september 11
General Instructions:
- Be detailed and specific in your explanations assuming that the reader does not know anything about your theory.
- Pay close attention to the rubric at the end of the guidelines. Use it to crosscheck your paper to make sure that you have addressed the required criteria to avoid losing points unnecessarily.
- Follow the writing conventions and do not use contractions like “it’s, can’t etc.” Always write your words in full and proof read. You will lose 0.5 points for each group of 3 errors from your total earned points on the rubric.
Read the case study in our text on page 307 to 308, Suarez Family After September 11, 2001 and answer the following questions:
- Name one main challenge faced by Maria and her extended family? Give reasons for your answer.
- Name one key strength in this case study? Give reasons for your answer.
- September 11 was a significant life event in US history, locate and summarize two scholarly journal articles on the psychological effects of this event on children/adolescents AND adults (one journal article for each). Based on what you read in these journal articles, are the experiences similar or different for the two groups? Give supporting evidence from the journal articles citing the author and page number.
- Describe one theory that might be useful for understanding Maria’s situation and for designing possible intervention? Support your answer with information from the text or scholarly journals citing the author and page number