essay on van gogh

HUM112_assmt 3_alternate (Dr. Stansbury)VAN GOGH REPORTInstructions below

Students who have done this alternative have really enjoyed learning about Van Gogh in this way.The time and effort involved are roughly equivalent to that of a doing a museum visit and report. The report will have a title pages and a references page and use double spacing–like a normal paper.One requirement is to get and watch the film LUST FOR LIFE starring Kirk Douglas (as Van Gogh; see and… ; but perhaps on Amazon or Netflix or some movie service you already use.If this movie issue is not do-able, watch this documentary instead: .).Your paper will observe all requirements below to be accepted.

Write a report on Vincent Van Gogh that must fulfill certain conditions to be accepted:You must watch the movie or documentary in full.The report must also use the sources identified below, must have them properly listed on a References list, and must cite each in the body of the essay with in-text-citations.Citations to the class text must include page numbers. The APA form will be used for the References list and the in-text citations.The article in Modern Healthcare must be accessed using the LIBRARY tab (to the left of the screen in Blackboard); do a simple key word search of Van Gogh.The in-text citation looks like this:(“Doctors Debate,” 2016).The report will be five paragraphs minimum.The report will identify three key influences on his work.The report will identify and discuss three importantmoments in Van Gogh’s life.The report will discuss your three most-liked works of Van Gogh.The report will also discuss the film and the performance of Kirk Douglas—or the documentary.

(The report must not engage in lengthy copying or lengthy quotes or lengthy close paraphrasing from the sources below or from any other sources.).



Artistic influences. (n.d.).TheVan Gogh Gallery.Retrieved from

Doctors debate the source of Van Gogh’s malady. (2016, Sept. 26). Modern Healthcare, 46(39), 36.

Sayre, H. (2015).The Humanities: Culture, Continuity & change, Volume 2 (3rd ed.).

Upper Saddle River, NJ:Pearson Education. [or the eBook equivalent]

Vincent Van Gogh biography. (n.d.).TheVan Gogh Gallery.Retrieved from


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