information technology 47
I have struggle with the questions.
1- Technological Solution to alleviate issues: (I want the crime and traffic to have each topic should paragraph.)
-More police patrolling
-Call buttons all over not only campus
-Online traffic alerts
-Everyone has to use EZ Pass
-No cash lanes
-Alerts on Accidents
From 2 to 6 just follow the questions so I need the MLA to include them.
2- What is a supplicant and briefly describe the 4 forms of authentication to consider (what a supplicant knows, has, is and produces)?
3- What are the reasons that VPN technology has become the dominant method for remote workers to connect to the organizational network? Comment on two other students’ postings under this thread.
4- How does a false positive alarm differ from a false negative one? From a security perspective, which is least desirable? Give an example of why these alarms would occur.
5- What is network footprinting? What is network fingerprinting? How are they related?
6- Will biometrics involve encryption? How are biometric technologies dependent on the use of cryptography?
Can you please work them for me ?