iot internet of thing of retail plz make sure it is a 750 words article

Plz read the FILES, AND attach two citations to the article, you can take any example for interest of thing of retail like walmart, tire company,shoe company etc. You can paste some paragraphs of the FILES to the article.

The 750 Word Paper

The Internet of Things

In this assignment you are to write a paper that is exactly 750 words. This assignment includes very specific instructions and requirements. Read and follow all instructions.

Assignment Two: Part One

Submit your topic with two sources and an actual example. A major requirement of this paper is the citing of two academic journal articles within the paper. You will need to list in proper form references for the two papers you will use within the paper. Also, provide a company example of your topic.

Here is the two citation of academic journal articles:1. Rosenbush, Steve. “The Morning Download: L.L. Bean Wants to Test Frontiers of Retail with Blockchain, IoT.” The Wall Street Journal, Dow Jones & Company, 8 Feb. 2018,

2. Loftus, T. (2018, February 14). The Morning Download: Walmart CTO Says Investment in Private Cloud Pays Off. Retrieved February 27, 2018, from…

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