leadership and supervision
Definitions [3 points each]
Define the following terms:
- Organizational culture
- National Incident Management System
- Collaborative leadership
- Contingent reward
- Social intelligence
- Political savvy
- Empathy
- Bolman and Deal four frames
- Managerial leadership
- 10. EMS supervisor
- 11. A theory of leadership that utilizes the exchange of one thing of value for another is:
- Path-goal
- Transformational
- Exchange theory
- Transactional
- 12. When dealing with people, the leader is better served by which leadership theory?
- Path-goal
- Transformational
- Exchange theory
- Transactional
- 13. In situational leadership, the four approaches are divided into two categories. The task behavior based category is called:
- Directive
- Supportive
- Prescriptive
- Relational
- 14. To build followers, one needs to focus on developing the capacity to:
- Relate to others
- Express empathy
- Participate and think critically
- Follow without question
- 15. Attempts to make change in an organization often fail because of:
- Personalities
- Legal restraints
- Lack of support
- Culture and personal compacts
- 16. A typical culture found in emergency services organizations is:
- Paramilitary
- People-centered
- Traditional
- Authoritarian
- 17. Which leadership style emphasizes the involvement of those who have the knowledge and skills to perform relevant tasks?
- Situational leadership
- Follower-centric
- Collaborative
- 18. Which of the following often describes a “micromanager?â€
- Contingent reward
- Active management by exception
- Passive management by exception
- Laisse-fare
- 19. Three ways people perceive themselves, challenges, and others are:
- Telescopic, mid-distance, microscopic
- Transactional, technical, competent
- Doable, possible, impossible
- Technical, transformational, achievable
- 20. Followers who are experienced and capable, but lack confidence:
- High competence/High commitment
- High competence/Variable commitment
- Some competence/Low commitment
- Low competence/High commitment
- 21. Leader who has low task focus and low relationship focus:
- Directing
- Coaching
- Supporting
- Delegating
- 22. Because leaders often do not operate independently, they need to develop:
- Collaborative compacts
- Political savvy
- Emotional intelligence
- Social intelligence
- 23. A _______________ leader uses less institutional power and less control while shifting authority to those being lead:
- Leader-Member Exchange
- Courageous Followership
- Servant
- Leadership Substitute
- 24. As a new EMS supervisor, it is important for you to understand the __________________________ necessary to complete your assigned duties.
- Processes and systems
- Authority
- Strategic objectives
- Standard operating procedures (SOPs)
- 25. As a newly promoted EMS lieutenant, it is important for you to know your ____________________ in the organization.
- Responsibilities
- Authority
- Role
- Command authority
Multiple Choice [1 point each] Mark answers on provided answer sheet!
Essay [5 points]
Select one of the characteristics of an EMS supervisor listed below and defend its importance.
Extra Credit [3 points]
Complete the essay assignment above for another characteristic. Hey, it’s extra credit so you only get three points!