leadership and supervision

Definitions [3 points each]

Define the following terms:

  1. Organizational culture
  2. National Incident Management System
  3. Collaborative leadership
  4. Contingent reward
  5. Social intelligence
  6. Political savvy
  7. Empathy
  8. Bolman and Deal four frames
  9. Managerial leadership
  10. 10. EMS supervisor
  11. 11. A theory of leadership that utilizes the exchange of one thing of value for another is:
    1. Path-goal
    2. Transformational
    3. Exchange theory
    4. Transactional
  12. 12. When dealing with people, the leader is better served by which leadership theory?
    1. Path-goal
    2. Transformational
    3. Exchange theory
    4. Transactional
  13. 13. In situational leadership, the four approaches are divided into two categories. The task behavior based category is called:
    • Directive
    • Supportive
    • Prescriptive
    • Relational
  14. 14. To build followers, one needs to focus on developing the capacity to:
    1. Relate to others
    2. Express empathy
    3. Participate and think critically
    4. Follow without question
  15. 15. Attempts to make change in an organization often fail because of:
    1. Personalities
    2. Legal restraints
    3. Lack of support
    4. Culture and personal compacts
  16. 16. A typical culture found in emergency services organizations is:
    1. Paramilitary
    2. People-centered
    3. Traditional
    4. Authoritarian
  17. 17. Which leadership style emphasizes the involvement of those who have the knowledge and skills to perform relevant tasks?
    1. Situational leadership
    2. Follower-centric
    3. Collaborative
    4. LPC
  18. 18. Which of the following often describes a “micromanager?”
    1. Contingent reward
    2. Active management by exception
    3. Passive management by exception
    4. Laisse-fare
  19. 19. Three ways people perceive themselves, challenges, and others are:
    1. Telescopic, mid-distance, microscopic
    2. Transactional, technical, competent
    3. Doable, possible, impossible
    4. Technical, transformational, achievable
  20. 20. Followers who are experienced and capable, but lack confidence:
    1. High competence/High commitment
    2. High competence/Variable commitment
    3. Some competence/Low commitment
    4. Low competence/High commitment
  21. 21. Leader who has low task focus and low relationship focus:
    1. Directing
    2. Coaching
    3. Supporting
    4. Delegating
  22. 22. Because leaders often do not operate independently, they need to develop:
    1. Collaborative compacts
    2. Political savvy
    3. Emotional intelligence
    4. Social intelligence
  23. 23. A _______________ leader uses less institutional power and less control while shifting authority to those being lead:
    1. Leader-Member Exchange
    2. Courageous Followership
    3. Servant
    4. Leadership Substitute
  24. 24. As a new EMS supervisor, it is important for you to understand the __________________________ necessary to complete your assigned duties.
    1. Processes and systems
    2. Authority
    3. Strategic objectives
    4. Standard operating procedures (SOPs)
  25. 25. As a newly promoted EMS lieutenant, it is important for you to know your ____________________ in the organization.
    1. Responsibilities
    2. Authority
    3. Role
    4. Command authority

Multiple Choice [1 point each] Mark answers on provided answer sheet!

Essay [5 points]

Select one of the characteristics of an EMS supervisor listed below and defend its importance.






Extra Credit [3 points]

Complete the essay assignment above for another characteristic. Hey, it’s extra credit so you only get three points!

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