n your original post, consider each of the following questions: Radical Republicans and African Americans wanted to ensure that Reconstruction was a time period in which Freedmen gained formal legal rights and new economic opportunities. In light of these goals, which of the following do you think was the most surprising outcome of the Reconstruction period (1863-1877):

– That white Southerners violently challenged African Americans and instead cast themselves as victims of Northern political decisions by century’s end.

– That President Johnson actively sided with white Southerners, including their desire to take back land given to the Freedmen.

– That the Federal government and Northerners lost interest in protecting Freedmen’s rights by the mid 1870s.

Finally, do you think Reconstruction was a success or a failure in light of its goals of protecting Freedmen’s rights (think especially about what the Radical Republicans wanted to accomplish in advancing the rights of the Freedmen)? Add evidence and examples to support your assessment.

For your reply post, find a classmate that agrees with your original position regarding the success or failure of Reconstruction and then counter their argument with evidence from course readings. In other words, if you thought Reconstruction succeeded, find a classmate who also thought it a success and write a reply detailing the areas in which Reconstruction policy failed.

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