political 100 words min each discussion
in text citation, APA style, at least one reference.
DISC ONE. Monarchy vs. Democracy
How does Hobbes’s view of man differ from that of Locke and Rousseau?
How does this lead to Hobbes’s preference for a monarchy and Locke and Rousseau’s preference for democracy? Be specific and support your thoughts.
DISC TWO Is Democracy Best?
Although they are all considered social contract theorists, Hobbes, Locke, and Rousseau had very different ideas of what form that social contract should take, and not all supported democracy as the best style of government.
In a House of Commons Speech (November 11, 1947), Winston Churchill said, “Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all those other forms that have been tried from time to time.”
Given Churchill’s comment, and the works of the social contract theorists, is Democracy the best form of government today?