read the questions and response to them and respond to two other students

Your feelings on the matter…..

It is no secret that our nation and our public conversation about LGBT matters have changed in the last, not only 100 years, but more drastically in the last 20 years. This latest generation of kids (Millennials) have been growing up in the most accepting and diverse American culture to date with respect to LGBT individuals, their families, and the issues they stand for.

This week we watched the dramatized version of The Laramie Project. A play that was written to expose and relay the stories and horrific events of that day that happened to Mathew Shepard.( A side note is the passing of Fred Phelps three year ago who was the pastor of the Westboro Baptist Church and who spewed all of that hate speech during the Mathew Shepard events. He was known as a lightning rod for hate speech against the LGBT community.) As mentioned before, this is a play that is performed all over the United States. This play, like so many other plays that deal with LGBT themes and issues have been coming more and more to the fray of our national and public conversation. We have seen the rise of gay and lesbian characters in all of our entertainment including TV, film, and of course the Theatre. We see how the last 20 years of LGBT pointed entertainment has shaped the political discourse of our nations power brokers. We are changing laws and shaping society to a far greater degree in even the last 5 years so as to tackle the discrimination against this particular group. Gay marriages are now legal all over the states and those that would decry the LGBT lifestyle as something to be covered or shunned for cultural or religious reasons are now beginning to be seen as radical and out of touch where just 10-15 years ago those same voices held the majority of political power in our nation. Did you happen to see the recent coverage of the Kim Davis, the Kentucky Clerk and her refusal to issue same sex marriage license. Regardless of how you feel about her it was clear that she is now in an ever-diminishing minority who feels the way she does. How far we have come from even prop 8 in California that would have legalized same sex marriage in the state but was soundly struck down in 2008. If that prop was up for vote today it would win resoundingly.

The waves of change are boundless and can be seen almost daily as we here more reports of judges, states, and the federal government ending discrimination all over the nation. Remember that a historic ruling from the US Supreme court, you can be gay and allowed to marry who you love and with who makes you happy in all 50 states.

**Part one:

Here is the question(s) I have…

In light of the play you have now watched, the articles you have read, your research and your own general awareness and knowledge of the state of our national discourse with respect to LGBT issues, do you feel that it has been a positive 15 to 20 years for Gay and Lesbian issues, their families and the way we feel about them? Do you feel that we have moved in a positive way as a nation since the Mathew Shepard event in 1998? Why or why not? How and why do you believe we have changed so quickly in our society toward the LGBT community? Have you seen any change in your own life with how you feel or behave toward Gay and Lesbian individuals? Would you watch a play or view a film or television that highlights LGBT themes and values? Why or why not?

**Part two: respond to two other students.**

First student response: (Kyler)

In light of the play you have now watched, the articles you have read, your research and your own general awareness and knowledge of the state of our national discourse with respect to LGBT issues, do you feel that it has been a positive 15 to 20 years for Gay and Lesbian issues, their families and the way we feel about them? Do you feel that we have moved in a positive way as a nation since the Mathew Shepard event in 1998? Why or why not? How and why do you believe we have changed so quickly in our society toward the LGBT community? Have you seen any change in your own life with how you feel or behave toward Gay and Lesbian individuals? Would you watch a play or view a film or television that highlights LGBT themes and values? Why or why not?

As a society we have made a very positive push in the right direction in regards to the LGBT community. This topic is discussed often on TV and on the media. A very big name such as Ellen DeGeneres has aided in this push with her coming out and he TV show that helps people understand the issue that is dear to her heart.

It is sad to know that these individuals were basically forced to conceal their preference in a partner. They had to do this or be told they had a mental issue or in the past be institutionalized in a mental hospital. Now people are applauded for coming out and saying that they are part of the LGBT community and they feel the support to do so.

I have not seen change in my life on how I view the LGBT community. This is because what others do on their own time is none of my business really. I should not think that I can take away someone else’s happiness in any way, even if I may or may not agree with it. This is similar to religion, who is to say one way is the right way and the other ways are terrible. We must seek to understand people and not judge them by any affiliations they may have. To do so we must listen and reflect.

I would watch a play that reflects the LGBT values. I feel that it is important to understand all different views in our society. I love learning and this would just be another avenue for that.

Second Student response: (B)

LGBT stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender, it is a reality that we cannot alter or be ignorant of. The general awareness the acceptance by the people have made these people come forward and be less insecure about being different from most of the population of the world. I believe that we are no one to comment on the sexual preference of a person like we have no say in the religious belief of a person. The world already is a very horrible place to live in and spreading more hate and unacceptance is only going to make it worse. This generation of millennial is the most understanding and accepting of all generation and it has a lot to do with the media and the awareness regarding the issue that has been created and because the children are more aware and knowledgeable they have been able to persuade and reason with their elders on the issue as well. I would watch a play or a movie that is made on the LGBT theme because a good piece of art is always worth a watch. Everyone has their own preferences and beliefs and as long as they do not interfere with your we should all live in harmony and peace.

Your post should be at least 150 words in length. You must respond to two other posts 150 words each.

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