read the section in the book on religious freedom and rights your task will be to clarify the issues to explain the various points of view expressed in the articles and the court cases with a focus on the arguments advanced and the reasoning involved a
For your term paper, you will read the section in the book on religious freedom and rights. That will involve reading the editors’ introduction to the section, two articles, and two court cases. The relevant pp. are 444-72. You may use the “Questions for discussion†to structure your paper, or you may introduce your own structure. Your task will be to clarify the issues, to explain the various points of view expressed in the articles and the court cases, with a focus on the arguments advanced and the reasoning involved, and to reflect on the issue in your own voice. The paper should be 6-8 pp. in length (double-spaced). Longer is always acceptable. (I will be away at a conference during the last week of classes. That will be a good time to work on your term paper.) I am always available to help with questions on the reading.