str581 questions 1 part 2
Answer the 2 questions below, each question must be a minimum of 200 words. Must be in APA format, please identify the questions on paper. Cannot accept more than 5% plagiarism, it will be submitted to TurnItIn.
Must be answered in your own words, NO cut and pasted phrases or paragraphs — you can include the URL address so we can click and go to the site, but do not copy and paste (even with references and citations). This way we can avoid plagiarism as well as copyright issues.
BOOK: Hitt, Ireland & Hoskisson (2015). Strategic Management: Competitiveness & Globalization.: Concepts and Cases: 11th edition.
Chapter 10:
Define an agency relationship and managerial opportunism and describe their strategic implications.
Chapter 12:
Discuss the importance and use of organizational controls.