weekly discussion 41

Watch Sam Killerman’s TED Talk (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. (the website also includes the transcript if you prefer to read it), which breaks down the differences between sex, gender, and sexuality. Using the concepts discussed in this video, along with the material you read this week in the text book, write a two to three page reflection addressing the following components:

  • What is the difference between sex, gender, and sexuality?
  • Apply these three concepts to your own life.
  • How did you develop these three identities? What role did your family and friends play in helping you develop these identities?
  • How has your sex, gender, and/or sexuality impacted your life?

For this journal assignment you should integrate concepts from the week’s resources you reviewed, while also providing examples from your personal experiences that help support your ideas. Journal assignments provide you the opportunity to focus on exploring your own ideas rather than simply repeating the speaker’s ideas. You will be graded on whether you gave evidence that you watched the whole video carefully and that you thought about the material for yourself.

For this journal assignment you should integrate concepts from the week’s resources you reviewed, while also providing examples from your personal experiences that help support your ideas. Journal assignments provide you the opportunity to focus on exploring your own ideas rather than simply repeating the speaker’s ideas. You will be graded on whether you gave evidence that you watched the whole video carefully and that you thought about the material for yourself.

Killerman, S. (n.d.). My TED Talk: Understanding the complexities of gender (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. [Video file]. Retrieved from http://itspronouncedmetrosexual.com/2013/05/my-ted-talk-understanding-the-complexities-of-gender/

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