women studies and pop culture
Women studies and pop culture essay/project
Women in the 1960’s
Your major work for the course will be a Research Paper/Project with examination of popular culture during a five to ten year period of your choice. You will be looking at the way in which pop culture has affected three things: race/class/gender (Intersectionality) IN 1960’s.
Written Analysis
You will write a research/analytical paper that will be FULL SEVEN PAGES OR MORE in length looking at 1960’s decade through the lens of popular culture and women. You may go over 7 pages but notunder a full six pages. This means you MUST be looking through EACH lens of:
- race/class/gender
- political agency
- economics
- power
This assignment is geared to using analytical and research skills. You will utilize material covered in class, for example reading assignments, lecture and videos. However, you will also, of course, be doing your own research on the period that you have chosen. You will need a cover page and a bibliography – these are not part of the minimum page requirement WHICH MEANS IT IS NOT COUNTED IN THE 7 PAGES.
Visual/Audio Examples
For this portion of your paper, you will be expected to find three different types of examples corroborating your written analysis, i.e., films, music, ads, TV programs, books, gaming, etc. You may look up newspaper articles during this time period or obtain a magazine article as well as create a CD of music from that time period, make a DVD or power point presentation of television/movies/ads from that time. A minimum of four types of examples will be required. You may submit more than four types but not less.
Please note the following:
If for example you want to look at ads for one type of pop culture and submit a Power Point presentation, give a good sampling of slides of ads. Make sure you identify the slide and explain it. If you are going to compile a variety of music from a particular decade on a CD ensure that it is safely guarded in a folder so it will not get lost or drop out. The same goes if you are going to compile a DVD showing various clips of films during this time period.
Remember however that you are to provide examples from three forms of pop culture. Some students have created a power point presentation and made links to songs or films for me to access—just make sure the links will work. Then you could do slides of various ads.
Other requirements
- Your research paper as a whole should have a UNIQUE title and the pages should be numbered.
- You should carefully check your punctuation/spelling.
- Make sure to use proper quotation/reference methods. For this paper, you may use MLA. If you prefer another method, let me know.
- You will need a Bibliography. Sources should be a minimum of five and Wikipedia is NOT allowed as a source.
- Finally, since we are speaking of pop culture, be creative as much as you can.
- Do not get bogged down trying to put everything into the paper.
Following are some of the various forms of pop culture you could address. Of course the suggestions will depend on the era. Also remember you are focusing on women:
Movies Comics
Television Gaming
Advertising Sports
Books Theater