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Original Discussion Question: Benchmarking and setting goals are very important in driving action; it encompasses getting inside the mind of the customer you are trying to reach. Dealing with human beings as you know can be difficult there are so many variables to consider.

  • In 300 words or more, discuss the importance of Benchmarking and Setting Goals. Include your understanding (personal experience) of Internal and External Benchmarking.

Locate book “Web Analytics an Hour a Day” by Avinash Kaushik in the APUS Library, Chapter 11 pages 263 –296 and Chapter 12 pages 297-347 will be most helpful.

Helpful resource:

5 + 4 Actionable Tips To Kick Web Data Analysis Up A Notch, Or Two.pdf

Instructor Lecture Week 6 – Web Analytics Benchmarking.pdf

Competitive Intelligence Analysis Metrics Tips & Best Practices.pdf

In 150 words or more, respond to 2 peers. Replies to classmates must be substantive and add to the discussions.

******************Student Discussions*******************

STUDENT 1: Quintina

Hello Classmates!

I hope everyone is still doing well. For this week forum I used several resources to help me completed this forum.

First let me discuss what is Benchmarking and Setting Goals. Benchmarking allows you to compare your data with aggregated data from other companies who share their data. (Google 2018) When benchmarking you are comparing your companies’ performance to other companies to see what you can do that can make your website more effective? Setting goals is something you want to achieve and accomplish. It drives you to want to get better results and do better. Setting a plan that you want to execute with the highest results as possible. It is your motivation which leads to success.

I found that Benchmarking and Setting goals are very important to Web analytics. Benchmarking is when you are trying to determine an answer to a question that your company or boss has ask you to gain information about. Once you received your results you are than ready to set your goals on how to meet the needs of your company and web visitors. According to Avinash Kaushik, he stated “This then allows organizations to develop plans on how to adopt such best practice, usually with the aim of increasing some aspect of performance.” (Kaushik, A.)

My understanding of Benchmarking internal and external is that when you benchmarking internally you are basically comparing your products within your business. When you benchmarking external you are comparing your products with outside businesses. External benchmarks are more helpful than internal results.

Thank you for reading my forum. Take Care!

Quintina Rembert


Google. About Benchmarking. Retrieved on March 2018 from

Kaushik, A. Web Analytics an Hour a Day. Retrieved on March 2018 from

Retrieved on March 2018 from Instructor Lecture Week 6 – Web Analytics Benchmarking.pdf

The Benchmarking Process. Retrieved on March 2018 from

STUDENT 2: clint

Hey everyone,

Benchmarking and setting goals are important for actually improving or accomplishing anything relevant to what the business needs. A huge influx of well-organized information with a nice interface can be a powerful tool, but without some direction it most likely won’t be used to its fullest. Goals that are well thought out help guide development and can save time and resources. This helps with actually solving issues in a timely manner and preventing others.

The difference in internal and external benchmarking is fairly straightforward. Internal benchmarking is when a company or organization creates goals for their own projects. External benchmarking is when the company or organization seeks out another organization’s project for the advantage of being able to directly compare to how they’re doing. External benchmarking can be very helpful for getting a general understanding of how the project should be doing. How can you set a decent goal without noticing what a competitor can already accomplish? There are many helpful bits of information that can be gleaned from the management of a similar project that could make a goal seem a lot more reasonable to developers caught at a difficult stage of their project.

Internal benchmarking may not been seen as advantageous over external benchmarking, but it can be useful in certain circumstances. If there are no reference projects to look at then the project has to start somewhere. The lack of information will no doubt be harmful, but not having a goal at all would be a lot worse.


Works Cited:

Measuring performance and benchmarking project management at the department of energy. (2005). Washington, D.C.: National Academies Press.

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