Timeline Part III
NOTE: Before starting the Timeline project please refer to the “Example Timeline Matrix” document.
Instructions: Complete the matrix by providing the Time Period/Date(s)in column B, and the Description and Significance of the People/Event(s) to American History in column C. See complete instructions in the Syllabus for the Module 5 assignment entitled, “Timeline Part III.†NOTE: The timeline project does not need to be submitted to turnitin.
NOTE: Please write your answers in a clear and concise manner. Limit your submission of the Timeline Part III up to 250 words per topic/subtopic. For example, if a topic is divided into 3 subtopics, you may write a maximum of 250 per subtopic listed. Be sure to cite all sources.
Major Event/Epoch in American History
Time Period/Date(s)
Description and Significance of the People/Event(s) to American History
1) The evolution of the causes of World War I.
2) The socio-cultural impact of World War I on the U.S.
3) Woodrow Wilson’s rationale for engaging in World War I (note the theme of an individual’s right of God-given freedoms).
4) The cultural milieu of the Roaring Twenties and its impact on the Great Depression.
5) The causes and consequences of the Great Depression and its socio-economic impact on American society.
6) Evaluate the socio-economic effects of the New Deal and its legacy to American history.
7) The lingering consequences of the Treaty of Versailles that gave rise to the dictatorships of the Axis powers.
8) The evolution of events that brought the U.S. into World War II (note the theme of “God-given freedoms for all peopleâ€).
9) The socio-economic and cultural impact of World War II on U.S. society.
10) World War II’s legacy to American history, including its social, economic, political, and cultural impacts.
NOTE: Before starting the Timeline project please refer to the “Example Timeline Matrix” document.
Instructions: Complete the matrix by providing the Time Period/Date(s)in column B, and the Description and Significance of the People/Event(s) to American History in column C. See complete instructions in the Syllabus for the Module 5 assignment entitled, “Timeline Part III.†NOTE: The timeline project does not need to be submitted to turnitin.
NOTE: Please write your answers in a clear and concise manner. Limit your submission of the Timeline Part III up to 250 words per topic/subtopic. For example, if a topic is divided into 3 subtopics, you may write a maximum of 250 per subtopic listed. Be sure to cite all sources.
Major Event/Epoch in American History
Time Period/Date(s)
Description and Significance of the People/Event(s) to American History
1) The evolution of the causes of World War I.
2) The socio-cultural impact of World War I on the U.S.
3) Woodrow Wilson’s rationale for engaging in World War I (note the theme of an individual’s right of God-given freedoms).
4) The cultural milieu of the Roaring Twenties and its impact on the Great Depression.
5) The causes and consequences of the Great Depression and its socio-economic impact on American society.
6) Evaluate the socio-economic effects of the New Deal and its legacy to American history.
7) The lingering consequences of the Treaty of Versailles that gave rise to the dictatorships of the Axis powers.
8) The evolution of events that brought the U.S. into World War II (note the theme of “God-given freedoms for all peopleâ€).
9) The socio-economic and cultural impact of World War II on U.S. society.
10) World War II’s legacy to American history, including its social, economic, political, and cultural impacts.
HIS 221: Timeline Part III Websites and Readings
The following Web sites can be accessed as resources for the Timeline assignment.
The Roaring 20’s (2010). History.com. http://www.history.com/topics/roaring-twenties
Gusmorino, P. A. (May, 1996). Main causes of the Great Depression. www.gusmorino.com/pag3/greatdepression/index.html
The following reading is optional.
The Greatest Generation (1998) by Brokaw. NY: Random House.
The following electronic resources can be accessed as support for the Timeline assignment.
“Causes of the First World War,†by Tonge, located on the A Web of English History Web site at http://www.historyhome.co.uk/europe/causeww1.htm
“The Rise of Adolf Hitler,†located on The History Place Web site at http://www.historyplace.com/worldwar2/riseofhitler/index.htm
“HyperWar: The U.S. Army in World War II,†located on The History Department page of the United States Military Academy Web site at http://www.ibiblio.org/hyperwar/USA/index.html
“World War I,†by Osborn, located on the Teacher Oz’s Kingdom of History Web site at http://www.teacheroz.com/wwi.htm
HIS 221: Timeline Part III Websites and Readings
The following Web sites can be accessed as resources for the Timeline assignment.
The Roaring 20’s (2010). History.com. http://www.history.com/topics/roaring-twenties
Gusmorino, P. A. (May, 1996). Main causes of the Great Depression. www.gusmorino.com/pag3/greatdepression/index.html
The following reading is optional.
The Greatest Generation (1998) by Brokaw. NY: Random House.
The following electronic resources can be accessed as support for the Timeline assignment.
“Causes of the First World War,†by Tonge, located on the A Web of English History Web site at http://www.historyhome.co.uk/europe/causeww1.htm
“The Rise of Adolf Hitler,†located on The History Place Web site at http://www.historyplace.com/worldwar2/riseofhitler/index.htm
“HyperWar: The U.S. Army in World War II,†located on The History Department page of the United States Military Academy Web site at http://www.ibiblio.org/hyperwar/USA/index.html
“World War I,†by Osborn, located on the Teacher Oz’s Kingdom of History Web site at http://www.teacheroz.com/wwi.htm