war of 1812 quot ucla quot quot econ101 quot quot catcher in the rye quot 2

SUAL ELEMENTS: Analyze the way the artists use the various visual elements in the work. Try to be specific. Is the color naturalistic or exaggerated? Are lines, colors or shapes used? Is the work characteristic of a particular region, style or culture? Note: Not all of the elements listed will apply to all artworks. Do not include any opinions in this section. Opinions go in the conclusion.

SUBJECT: Who or what is represented? Artist#1________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Artist#2_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________

COMPOSITION: Describe the arrangements of the elements/principles. (Some of theses will apply: Line, Light, Color, Texture, Shape, Space, Emphasis, Scale Proportion, Rhythm, Unity, and Variety)) #1_____________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ #2_____________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________

CONTENT: Representational, Non-objective, or Abstract #1_____________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ #2_____________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________

BALANCE: Symmetrical? Near Symmetrical? Or Asymmetrical? #1_____________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ #2_____________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ CONTRAST: In color? Value? Materials? Etc. #1_____________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ #2_____________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________


Body Paragraph(s) #2 of your paper should address:

CULTURAL CONTEXT: Through direct observation, in what culture or country was the artist living when the work was produced? Where is the artist from? How might that have influenced how the work looks? What else was going on that might have influenced the work? If you use outside sources, including the museum placard, you need to cite the source.

#1_____________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ #2_____________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________

Body Paragraph(s) #3 of your paper should address:

ERA/TIME OF CREATION: Through direct observation, what conclusions can you reach about the artist’s time period and his or her views of their world? Some things you might want to consider: spirituality, politics, economics, race or ethnicity, gender or gender identity, ecological issues, materials and process. If you use outside sources, including the museum placard, you need to cite the source.

#1_____________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ #2_____________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________

Body Paragraph(s) #4 of your paper should address:

SIMILARITY/DIFFERENCES: Do the two works share any similar ideas, approaches to subject or use of materials?

#1_____________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ #2_____________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________

Conclusion Paragraph(s) #5 of your paper should address:

COMMUNICATION: What do you think the artists are trying to communicate in their work? This is the only place to state your opinion and your own conclusions about the work.

#1____________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ #2_____________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________

Very Poor 1.0


Poor 50.0


Beginning 62.50


Developing 75


Competent 87.50


Advanced 100

Selfie (20 Points)


page1image7560 page1image8096 page1image8632 page1image9168


Both Images (10 Points)


page1image11504 page1image12040 page1image12576 page1image13112


Length 25%

Only Fulfilled less than one page written material

Only fulfilled one page of written material

Written length is equivalent to 1 and a quarter of written material.

Written length is half of required assignment or 1.25 page to 1.5 of material.

Written length is 1.5 pages to less than 2 pages. Did not fulfill the required length.

2-3 full pages of written material. Followed directions in terms of length.

Grammar 10%

Did not proof read. Written with many grammatical and spelling errors. (10+ errors)

Many grammatical errors.(7-10). Proof reading needs improvement and or spent very little time proof reading.

Written with 5-7 mistakes. Grammatical and spelling errors are apparent, and did not spend enough time proof reading.

Written with 3-5 mistakes. Grammatical and spelling errors are apparent, and did not spend enough time proof reading.

Written with 1-2 mistakes, minor grammatical and spelling errors. Proof read well but missed a few mistakes.

Written with no grammatical and spelling errors. Proof read well and the paper is polished.

Flow/Format 10%

Complete lack of structure. Little to no response to topic, planning and organization. Did not utilize format available in Blackboard Document

Some sense of structure. Little to no response to topic, planning and organization. Did not utilize format available in Blackboard Document.

Attempts to focus thoughts but shifts or drifts focus. Attempt at organization. Few, if any, transitions between ideas. Details lack elaboration. May or May not have used Format Document

Usually has single focus. Some lapses and flaws. May lack transition between ideas. Repetitious details/ several unelaborated detail. . Use of Format was utilized.

Single Focus. Ideas are loosely connected. Transition is evident. Uneven development of detail. Use of Format was utilized.

Single focus and sense of unity and coherence. Key ideas developed. Moderate to fluent progression. Details appropriate, effective, vivid, and/or pertinent. Use of Format was utilized.

Element/Princ 9%

Did not Address Comparison of Elements and Principles of Design

Addressed 1 Element and or Principle of Design in comparison

Addressed 2 Elements and or Principles of Design in comparison

Addressed 3 Elements and or Principles of Design in comparison

Addressed 4 Elements and or Principles of Design in comparison

Addressed 5 or More Elements and or Principles of Design in comparison

Culture/Contx 9%

Did not Address Question on Cultural or Historical Background of Artist. Avoided Question.

Demonstrates little to no thought on spirituality, politics, economics, race or ethnicity, gender or gender identity, ecological issues

Demonstrates little understanding to thought on spirituality, politics, economics, race or ethnicity, gender or gender identity, ecological issues

Demonstrates partial understanding on Historical and Cultural Connection to influence on Artist

Demonstrates adequate understanding on Historical and Cultural Connection to influence on Artist


sophisticated understanding on Historical and Cultural Connection to influence on Artist

Era/Time 9%

Did not Address conclusions on artist’s time period and his/hers view of the world. Avoided Question.

Demonstrates little to no thought on spirituality, politics, economics, race or ethnicity, gender or gender identity, ecological issues

Demonstrates little understanding to thought on spirituality, politics, economics, race or ethnicity, gender or gender identity, ecological issues

Demonstrates Partial understanding to thought on spirituality, politics, economics, race or ethnicity, gender or gender identity, ecological issues

Demonstrates adequate understanding to thought on spirituality, politics, economics, race or ethnicity, gender or gender identity, ecological issues


Sophisticated understanding to thought on spirituality, politics, economics, race or ethnicity, gender or gender identity, ecological issues

Similarity 9%

Did not address similarities of materials, ideas, or use of material in art works. Avoided question.

Addressed similarity to use of material, ideas and subject with very little thought to connection between works

Addressed similarity to use of material, ideas and subject with little thought to connection between works

Addressed similarity to use of material, ideas and subject with partial in- depth thought to connection between works

Addressed similarity to use of material, ideas and subject with adequate thought to connection between works

Addressed similarity to use of material, ideas and subject with strong in- depth thought to connection between works

Communication 9%

Did not Address your own conclusions as to meaning

Very little thought into conclusions and meaning behind work.

Conclusions are beginning to show connection to meaning.

Conclusions demonstrate partial thought on connection and meaning.

Conclusions demonstrate single focus but loosely connected to meaning.

Conclusions demonstrate single focus of unity and coherence in connection to meaning

Citation 10%

Did not use a works cited page or citation within writing.

Student did not read provided proper citation page. Lacks citation of source within paper, may or may not have included works cited page.

Works cited page included but does not credit 3 or more sources in written paragraph. Improper Citation in writing but included source list (works cited page).

Works cited page included but does not credit 2 or more sources in written paragraph. Improper Citation in writing but included source list (works cited page).

Works cited page included but does not credit 1 source in written paragraph. Improper Citation in writing but included source list (works cited page).

Skillfully blends evidence from the text by using both direct quotes and paraphrases. References sources in works cited properly. Works cited listed properly.

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