private questions amp study emergency rescuing troubled projects

“Private Questions & Study Emergency” Rescuing Troubled Projects

Assignment Instructions:

Click the External Content Launch link on the Video tab to access®.

Type the title “Project Management: Rescuing Troubled Projects” in the Search Bar to find the video. Choose the one authored by Bob McGannon.

Watch the “Project Management: Rescuing Troubled Projects” video.

This is the company the Assignment must be done on: Hewlett Packard and the failed product was the HPS Touchpad Tablet.I only have to write 250 to 350 words for the two questions bolded below “Identify and Conclusion”:

Resource: “Rescuing Troubled Projects” video

Select: an organization (Hewlett Packard- HPS Touchpad Tablet) that has introduced a product or service project that has failed.

Research: publicly available information, including Securities and Exchanges Commission filings, about the failed product or service project

Identify: some of the warning signs that appeared to be evident prior to project completion (.It only has to be 250 or 300 words)

Describe strategies that the organization could have used throughout the project’s phases that could have prevented the product or service failure. – Do not answer this question at all. (This Portion of the paper is already completed see attached paper to use as a reference if you have to)

Conclusion: add a conclusion (Please do a conclusion on what you wrote, it only have to be 4 or 5 sentences)

Prepare a 250 to 350 words paper detailing of the findings.

Format the paper consistent with APA guidelines.

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