sociology assignment 4 pages apa style
Status vs role.
student, athlete, son/daughter. significant other/partner. high school drop out, inmate
What are your roles? ( labels, expectations, tasks associated with each status)
role conflict: conflict that someone feels between roles because the expectations attached to one role are incompatible with the expectations of another role
role performance: the ways in which someone performs a role within the limits that the role provides; showing a particular style or personality
status: the position that someone occupies
status inconsistency: ranking high on some dimensions of social class and low on others; also called status discrepancy
status set: all the statuses or positions that an individual occupies
status symbols: signs that identify a status
role strain: conflicts that someone feels within a role
achieved status: a position that is earned, accomplished, or involves at least some effort or activity on the individual’s part
ascribed status: a position an individual either inherits at birth or receives involuntarily later in life
master status: a status that cuts across the other statuses that an individual occupies