summary about michael boylan georgia quot if you do not have the book do take the question quot

Summary about Michael Boylan, Georgia: A Trilogy—part one, part two, part three/

1 -2 sentences for each chapter

you must have the book


Step One: Review the number of chapters involved in the assignment (given in page numbers).

Step Two: Read the given section of pages.

Step Three: Create chapter summaries for each chapter in the given assignment. Tell what goes on in the chapter, to whom, and to what effect. Use the chapter numbers as headers: Chapter One: (then give summary), etc.

Step Four: Find some part of a scene in one of the chapters that strikes you as unusual (an anomaly). Decide whether you are positively or negatively disposed to this anomaly. Summarize the anomaly and your reaction under the header: Anomaly.

Step Five: Cite one philosophical principle that you think in some way connects to the anomaly. Header: Philosophical Principle.

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